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I'm Still Wondering Who Sony's 'Project Q' Handheld Device Is Even For...
In an age where handheld gaming continues to rise in popularity, tech giant Sony is not lagging. The company has officially unveiled its...
Intellivision Amico is in 'Fire Sale' Mode: Phil Adam's Email a HUGE LIE
A tiger doesn't change his stripes... or his lies.
"The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" Extra Challenging for OCD/ADD Gamers
KOROK! Mechbuilds! Ganon! ...SQUIRREL!!!
Dove Soap's New Video Game Ad Campaign Is A Woke Attempt At Relevance
This explains the severe lack of Fat Yoshi games.
Twitter Bait Posting Is Just a Desperate Cry for (Any) Attention
This girl is a master "baiter"
Kotaku's Luke Plunkett Now Wants To Kill Japanese People Because He Was Blacklisted by Nintendo
No... That's not an exaggeration.
Redfall's Launch FAILURE Forces Us To Rethink Buying Games Day One
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
~Albert Einstein
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