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EA Bans Gay Apex Legend Accounts For... Being Gay.
Electronic Arts (EA), the mostly gamer-hated gaming giant behind Apex Legends , has come under fire (...again) as reports are emerging of...

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Censorship Is Out Of Control...
Adding oil to the slippery slope...

Square Enix Continues To Piss On Toriyama's Grave
DEI needs to DIE.

Paper Mario: TTYD Censored Dialogue Changes
It never ends

#FreeStellarBlade EXPLODES As Gamers Cancel PSN Subscriptions
Gamers are cancelling their PSN subscriptions in droves over this

Fighting Censorship: The Power of Community in "Tomb Raider I-III Remastered"
This battle is won, but the censorship war never ends.
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