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Alyssa Mercante 'Horny For Hasan' Called Out By Destiny

Destiny Calls Out Alyssa Mercante: Her Embarrassing Obsession with Hasan That Proves She Doesn’t Care About Gaming Whatsoever...

Alyssa Mercante has finally caught the attention of someone outside the usual circles—and not in a good way. Of all people, Destiny, the self-proclaimed "intellectual" and professional debater, decided to weigh in on Mercante’s ridiculous ongoing obsession with Hasan Piker.

Shoutout to Hypnotic Records perfectly explaining a TLDR of who Destiny is for those unfamiliar... or want a kick ass song to listen to lol:

Now, let me be clear: Destiny is an absolute toolbag and, frankly, an autistic moron when it comes to most things from what I've witnessed from afar. But, in this particular case, even I gotta admit that the thread he linked and his comments aren't completely off the mark. It’s as if, for once, Destiny isn’t being entirely braindead. Who knew!?

Now with all that being said, let's dive into it...

"Jesus, @alyssa_merc is a senior editor at Kotaku; no wonder Hasan always gets such favorable coverage over there lmaooo, these tweets are so down bad it’s pathetic"

(...and the imgur source)

Destiny’s tweet highlights the reality I've been saying for quite some time: Alyssa doesn't care about gaming. She's an activist. Her obsession with Hasan Piker runs deep—so deep, it’s hard to ignore how this plays into Kotaku’s glowing coverage of him over the years - up to and including Alyssa's own bias. The bigger issue isn’t just her thirst for Hasan (which is painfully obvious at this point), but how this further exposes that she doesn’t care about gaming - at all.

Alyssa’s role at Kotaku is ostensibly about games, but when you look at her social media presence and interactions, it’s clear she’s more invested in pushing her activism and leveraging Hasan’s platform to do it.

Alyssa’s addiction to Hasan is well-documented through her tweets and interactions. She constantly engages with him, not just as a fan, but seemingly hoping for his acknowledgment.

It’s cringeworthy, and, frankly, it feels like she’s trying to position herself to use his platform to further her political agenda.

It’s no secret that their political views align perfectly, especially on causes Alyssa constantly champions in her articles...

But instead of focusing on gaming, where she’s supposed to have some influence, she’s over here, down bad for a hardcore lefty pushing his ideologies and who couldn’t care less about the gaming industry.

And that’s the crux of the issue—her obsession with Hasan has nothing to do with games. It’s about aligning with someone who can amplify her activism.

Kotaku’s constant, favorable coverage of Hasan starts making sense when you put the pieces together.

It’s no longer a coincidence when you realize that Alyssa and Hasan share the same political ideologies, with Kotaku acting as a megaphone for the causes she personally cares about.

The gaming industry is just a backdrop for Alyssa to platform her political narratives and her idolization of Hasan is just another cog in the wheel.

Why talk about gaming when you can push the same old woke narrative to a broader audience with Hasan backing you up?

Of course, her “down bad” tweets to Hasan are easy to find. These screenshots show just how far Alyssa’s addiction to Hasan goes.

It’s embarrassing, really, that a senior editor at Kotaku, a publication that supposedly covers games, is more interested in chasing after an influencer than actually contributing meaningfully to the gaming community.

Ultimately, Alyssa’s behavior continues to reveal her true colors. She’s not in this industry to champion games or support gamers; she’s here to push her activism, and Hasan is just another tool for her to do so.

While she may think aligning with him will somehow help her causes, it only serves to show how little she cares about gaming as a whole.

Once again, Alyssa Mercante proves that her role in gaming "journalism" is merely a platform for her personal and political agenda... One that I will continue to call out.


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