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Alyssa Mercante's 'Lawsuit' Scam EXPOSED

Writer: Smash JTSmash JT

It's changing... For the better. Slowly but surely. But no one ever said there was a straight line to success. There will be ups, and there will be "Mercante's" in this world.

Just hold on tight... and enjoy the ride.

Alyssa Mercante's 'Lawsuit' Scam EXPOSED
Go fund me and I'll blow your... mind.

In the wild and rocky landscape of 'modern-day' video game "journalism", few names have sparked so much controversy as the one 'Alyssa Mercante'. Known for her constant attacks against content creators and brags about her involvement in dubious sexual activities, Mercante has once again found herself in the spotlight—this time, for a so-called legal battle that reeks more of a scam than a genuine pursuit of any justice.

Her recent tweet announcing plans to sue for doxxing, harassment, and defamation while hinting at a potential GoFundMe campaign, raised some serious questions about her real intentions. Is this really about seeking "justice", or is it just another attempt to exploit her followers for financial gain?

You already know where this is going...

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