Jake Steinberg’s Defense of Alyssa Mercante: Lies, Omission, and Echo Chamber Tactics

In the ongoing saga of Alyssa Mercante’s attempts to deflect accountability while at the same time proactively push a lawsuit at me for daring to cover her antics in the public sphere of gaming, Jake Steinberg has now emerged as her staunch white-knight defender, using the same old tried-and-true underhanded tactics people like this always do, to further their false narrative.
Jake, the former and failed journalist that left GameXplain to start his own venture on YouTube (failing there as well btw), isn't the biggest fan of others getting any attention, IMHO. I've covered his previous simping for Alyssa Mercante before and encourage everyone to review that for full context of this situation before continuing on:
His latest attack on me begins with a tweet reply out-of-the blue that exemplifies perfectly the strategy to try and manipulate public perception:
“The thing dumbfucks miss is that it's not about these words coming out of a harasser's mouth (though Jeff has said equally fucked stuff) it's about knowingly cultivating and profiting off a space that encourages and celebrates this behavior.”
In this tweet, Jake shares an image of superchats from another channel (Hypnotic) as part of a livestream we do each and every Saturday night called Saturday Night Hypnosis, somehow trying to imply that because I was there, I am now responsible for the content of others’ comments and contributions.

This deliberate conflation or reality—blaming me for actions that are completely outside of my control—isn't just misleading... but a blatant attempt to pin unrelated behaviors on me. It is the epitome of lying by omission, a consistent hallmark of their tactics.
Twisting Context and Ignoring Evidence
Jake’s aganda is actually pretty simple and straight forward: cherry-pick out-of-context clips and tweets to sway public opinion, ignoring any nuance or counterarguments. My reply thread to his baseless claims exposes this strategy:
“Notice how people like @JakeNoseIt operate to push an agenda. ‘Though Jeff has said equally fucked stuff’ yet for some strange reason they NEVER provide any evidence. They constantly showcase ONLY their side by using out-of-context clips/tweets to try and sway public opinion. These are loose words used to mold and fit any argument, that in the grand scheme, are completely meaningless.”
This is why people like Jake ultimately ALWAYS lose. Their arguments crumble under scrutiny because they rely on innuendos and blatant misdirection instead of concrete evidence. For instance, when Jake claims that “She didn’t dox anyone,” he completely ignores the actual issue: Alyssa Mercante’s jubilant sharing of a legal document that redacted her own information while publishing mine. This isn’t an opinion or a misinterpretation—it’s a fact, as I pointed out:
“It’s pretty clear Alyssa did in fact dox me, quite jubilantly I might add, by sharing a legal document redacting her own info but publishing mine. You guys continue to lie by omission. It is the definition of FAKE NEWS.”
IN addition to all that, Jake attempts to minimize Alyssa’s behavior with another lie by omission: “She didn’t call anyone’s family.” This rhetorical sleight-of-hand ignores the actual issue. Instead of denying Alyssa’s actions outright, Jake sidesteps the truth by reframing the argument. My response dismantles this attempt:
“My guy. We gonna really split hairs on this? Instead of saying what she didn’t do, you should CLARIFY what was done. Again fake news lying by omission. Here are Alyssa’s messages to my wife where she tried to disrupt my marriage.”
Unlike Jake, I back my statements with evidence.
I included screenshots of Alyssa’s messages to my wife, exposing her gross attempts to go way out of bounds and try to interfere in my personal life. Additionally, Alyssa herself has publicly admitted to these actions, a fact Jake of course conveniently ignores in his public smears.
The Echo Chamber Effect
What’s most telling is that Jake makes these accusations while keeping me blocked on Twitter. By doing so, he ensures I can't directly refute his misinformation to his audience. When you take a step back to see it for what this is though... it's really disgusting. This is a classic tactic of those who thrive in echo chambers—they need controlled environments to push their narratives because their claims cannot withstand open scrutiny. As I tweeted:
“Note that these tweets from @JakeNoseIt were made against me publicly while he has me blocked so that I’m unable to correct the misinformation. People like this need echo chambers to socially survive.”
Setting the Record Straight
Let me be clear: I'm not engaging in any illegal activity, nor have I ever. All the information I share is public, whether it comes from tweets, articles, or videos. My goal's always been to improve the overall quality of the gaming industry by calling out hypocrisy and holding individuals accountable. Jake’s attempts to frame me as a harasser or enabler of harassment are once again nothing more than a desperate smears designed to protect Alyssa from justified criticism.

If Jake and Alyssa genuinely believe their actions are defensible, they really should start presenting their arguments in an open and honest forum rather than hiding behind selective narratives and blocked accounts. The gaming community deserves better than these disgusting tactics of deception and omission. It's gone on for years but people are waking up to it now.
Perhaps it’s time for some serious self-reflection on their part... But we all know at this point, that's never going to happen.
Dude, if those totally polite messages were "disruptive" to your marriage, then your wife is already planning on leaving you and is banging a guy from work. Sorry.
Angry women and weak men