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Anita Sarkeesian Is Back...

Writer: Smash JTSmash JT

Anita Sarkeesian, a grandmother of the original GamerGate, is a name that stirs up resentment across the gaming community... and she's making a grand return.

The insane asylum reject who married herself is, this time, armed with a brand-new consultancy business aimed at "inclusive video game design support services."

Shocker, right?

But let’s call it what it really is: Yet another attempt to warp the gaming industry by literally inventing problems that don't exist and pushing her agenda onto unsuspecting developers... all in the name of making a quick buck.

A History of Destruction

If you've been following gaming news over the past decade, you know that Sarkeesian’s involvement doesn't lead to anything positive for the gamers. What started as what some could argue was seemingly noble cause — advocating for better representation of women in games — quickly spiraled into a divisive crusade. Gamers everywhere watched as their favorite games were dissected, analyzed, and criticized not for their gameplay or story but for perceived "problematic" content that most players didn’t even care about. This is the epicenter of virus that laid the groundwork for consultancy companies like Sweet Baby Inc. to fester.

Now, she’s back, ready to wreak more havoc. Sarkeesian’s new "consultancy" promises to help game developers "eliminate problematic dialogue", "modernize historically problematic content" and "craft complex, authentic characters." But... what does this really mean for gamers? More censorship, more homogenization of stories, and more politically motivated content that ends up ruining the fun... Because controversy breeds dollar bills if you can make a game company feel like they'll be canceled if they refuse to participate.

Inventing Problems, Offering Solutions

Sarkeesian’s playbook is simple: invent problems, then swoop in to "fix" them.

She thrives on finding issues where none exist, creating a narrative that video games are riddled with sexism, racism, and other forms of 'oppression'. Her website offers services like “eliminating problematic player actions” — vague enough to sound like progress but ultimately... translating to more restrictions on creative freedom. Games have been around long before her "help" and no one had a problem, until some folks found a way to monetize 'being offended'.

Tim Schafer's glowing endorsement of Anita Sarkeesian's input on Psychonauts 2 shows just how deeply he was duped into believing her so-called "insights" were valuable. He praised her for identifying "blind spots" that supposedly prevented the game from being harmful...? Huh? Let's face it - in reality, these issues were non-existent. Sarkeesian's talent for convincing developers that they're stepping into "bear traps" is nothing more than a strategy to insert unnecessary revisions based on fabricated or exaggerated social critiques. Schafer, like many others, fell into the trap of believing he was making a more inclusive product, when in truth... he was allowing his creative vision to be derailed by needless interventions of an activist!

I don't want to speak for everyone but at the same time I think it's safe to say on this one that we don't want someone like Anita Sarkeesian coming in and telling us that our favorite games are offensive. Gamers want good stories, fun gameplay, and the ability to immerse themselves in a world that isn't weighed down by political agendas. Sarkeesian, however, is determined to inject her ideology into every aspect of game development, claiming that she’s helping to "broaden audiences."

Inclusive to ...Whom?

Sarkeesian’s pitch is all about making games "more inclusive," but the real question is, inclusive to whom? The majority of gamers are perfectly happy with the diversity they see in today’s games. Literally NO ONE who actually games is asking for this. Many popular titles already feature strong female protagonists, complex characters of different races, and inclusive storylines. But no - that’s not enough for Sarkeesian. Her "consultancy" aims to tear apart anything that doesn’t fit her narrow vision of what gaming "should" look like.

Terms like "holistic integration of diverse identities" and "removing problematic player actions" sound more like a checklist of things that alienate actual gamers rather than anything to genuinely improve games. It’s clear that her focus isn’t on what makes games fun or engaging. Instead, it’s about checking boxes, making developers feel guilty for not being politically correct enough, and ultimately ruining the experience for the players.

Who's Buying This?

The real kicker? Sarkeesian claims to have worked with clients ranging from AAA to indie developers. She’s positioned herself as the go-to voice for "modernizing" games - you know, for that nonexistent MODERN audience? — but if history is any indication, the developers who take her advice only end up alienating their audiences.

Her vague list of services — like "deepening character development" and "eliminating problematic dialogue" — sounds like a nightmare for game creators who value any sort of artistic freedom. By imposing her standards, she risks turning every game into a sanitized, watered-down product that lacks the edge and creativity that makes gaming so unique.

The Real Impact

In reality, Anita Sarkeesian’s return to the gaming industry isn’t about helping developers. It’s about continuing her mission to shape the narrative, to convince the world that the gaming industry is in dire need of reform. The truth? Games don’t need Sarkeesian’s brand of "fixing." Gamers don’t want someone telling them their favorite games are problematic. They want innovation, creativity, and freedom. The very things "consultancy" firms destroy.

Sarkeesian’s consultancy will only lead to more censorship, more restrictions, and less of what makes gaming great. Devs should be wary of her influence, as history has shown that everything she touches tends to turn to dust. If her past endeavors are anything to go by, this latest venture will be yet another step into making the gaming industry worse for everyone involved.

Games have never, EVER, "Needed" Anita Sarkeesian. They need to be free from agenda-driven interference. Let’s hope developers realize it... before it’s too late.



Nov 09, 2024

This Woke Freak of nature ain't gonna survive in the gaming world because everyone out there is aware of all the crap this Woke Loser spewed out & nor is her company going to last either because a lot of the woke companies are Crashing & burning because NO ONE wants the DEI Garbage any more


Sep 20, 2024

She gives me the vibe, that she let some ex, take out a bunch of high interest loans in her name, and he ended up cheating on her and maxing out her credit cards. Oh and he loved playing Halo, and so now she is making sure we're all going to pay.


Sep 19, 2024

If the decision-makers at these studios are smart (and I believe that they are), then they’ll avoid this woman like the plague. The consumer base is currently hyper aware of any consultancy firms which are involved in a game’s production, and that is a direct result of the massive DEI push within the industry. As we all know by now, the most recent list of games which were even remotely affiliated with a DEI company (or government for that matter) have failed spectacularly. If a studio intends to have any success these days, then they will need to be extremely careful when choosing to work with any DEI consultation companies; especially one run by this lunatic.


Sep 19, 2024

She's too late all the gamers are well aware of her past and what's going on now she won't change anything. Just another person we have to listen to play victim

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