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CDPR CEO Attacks YouTuber For EXPOSING Blatant Ongoing DEI Agenda

In a recent Twitter exchange, rapidly growing YouTuber, gaming ally, and all around good dude from my interactions with him, Endymion shared some seriously concerning insights about CD Projekt Red (CDPR), suggesting that both companies are facing significant internal trouble.

His post was meant to provide transparency based on information he had received from various sources within the industry, but it didn’t take long for CDPR's CEO, Michał Nowakowski, to jump in with a swift rebuttal.

The nature of Nowakowski's response raised more questions than it answered—leading to the suspicion that Endymion had struck a nerve by revealing something CDPR wanted to keep as quiet as possible.

The Absolute Destruction of a CEO

The conversation innocently began when Endymion tweeted:

“I talk to an Ubisoft insider about the current state of the industry as well as another source which tells me places like CD PROJEKT RED & even Funcom which is making Dune Awakening are in dire trouble. And yes we are officially in a game crash.”

His post outlined his sources' legitimately troubling outlook on the state of the gaming industry, highlighting CDPR and Funcom in particular. His video covering it went into great detail explaining the rationale... and the mention of a potential “game crash” implied deeper systemic issues that could affect these companies, much like what was seen in past industry downturns.

A couple days later, Nowakowski Quote Tweeted Endymion’s tweet with a defensive and somewhat dismissive tone:

“Seems we live in times where anyone can record complete nonsense and make a story out of it. CDPR talent leaving? We have the lowest rotation of people in recent years. DEI-driven recruitment? We hire based on merit and talent alone, just as we make games driven by artistic vision alone. Why did we choose UE? Because it enables us to work on our games more efficiently and we remain cutting edge tech-wise. The Witcher 3’s director left? Well, yeah, more than 2 years ago… Now, can we stop looking for conspiracy theories and go back to making cool stuff?"

This immediate, almost combative, response raised an eyebrow for a lot of reasons. First, the accusation that Endymion’s information was “complete nonsense” comes across as a try-hard attempt at a quick dismissal, especially given that Endymion never claimed his insights were definitive; he was just relaying what he was told by 'credible' industry sources. The CEO’s comment about “conspiracy theories” further inflamed a lot of people's suspicions—after all, when a company is truly in good standing, there's usually no need for such defensiveness.

Endymion, remaining composed, replied with:

“Hey Michal I hope I am wrong about this but I was relaying what I was told about CDPR from one of my sources who also told me about Funcom as well. Although if you’re willing to talk I would love to do just that. And if you could comment on your companies' commitment to ESG as a company publicly posted that would be great too. I truly hope you guys don’t go down the Rocksteady path or say Firewalk with Concord in any way. Plus we also know you guys hired an activist from Insomniac as well. There’s quite a bit to speak on if you’d like to. I’ll leave the link below from CDPR’s ESG video for context.”

Endymion took a measured approach here, offering to discuss the situation openly with Nowakowski, while also addressing CDPR’s public commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards. He then pointed to one of the most significant contradictions in Nowakowski’s claim: “We hire based on merit and talent alone.” This statement directly conflicts with the company’s own public documentation of their DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives, which clearly state their commitment to hiring a diverse workforce.

Endymion continued his post by referencing CDPR’s hiring of an activist (Mary Kenney) from Insomniac Games, reinforcing that CDPR’s practices seem to be ideologically driven rather than merit-based. We'll chat about her more later on here tho...

Endymion then linked CDPR’s ESG video to provide transparency, showing that CDPR was indeed engaging in these practices despite Nowakowski’s claim to the contrary. This was followed by another thoughtful message:

“But you say DEI isn’t important…yet you also have that on your website claiming otherwise. I’m not calling you a liar, but there’s a weird grey area here for sure. Anyways I’ll link the ESG & DEI stuff below this post for those who want full transparency to what I’ve been told by others.”

Here, Endymion pointed out the contradiction between Nowakowski’s words and the company’s publicly available information on DEI. It’s a subtle but significant call-out, as it exposes the hypocrisy in CDPR’s official stance. The fact that these documents are freely accessible on CDPR’s website made Nowakowski’s denial all the more perplexing.

Endymion continued:

“Can you comment if what was being said here is true or not? I truly hope it’s fake & not the case. But we have seen your company actively pushing for female hiring fairs. I’ll also post the DEI section of your company website next, which I mean you say there’s no DEI but…”

...And followed that with the above image.

At this point, Endymion directly questioned CDPR’s involvement in female hiring fairs, which clearly contradict Nowakowski’s statement about the company only hiring based on merit. He continued to reinforce this with hard evidence, providing a link to the DEI section of CDPR’s website:

“Link to DEI part of CDPR: So we’re going to pretend this doesn’t exist then? I mean if this initiative is just a front to make people shut up & you guys get to do what you do that would be genius. But I’m worried this is not the case. Again if you could comment on this too would be appreciated cause many fans are worried CDPR is going down the typical western game company path.”

Endymion’s concern about CDPR following the path of other Western game companies is significant. Many game studios in recent years have embraced DEI and ESG initiatives at the expense of creativity and merit, often alienating their core fanbase. By addressing this directly, Endymion is voicing a concern that many fans share.

In his final tweets, Endymion took a more personal tone:

“I just hope CDPR is okay over there. I want nothing more than for you guys to keep making amazing games. Hopefully fans concerns are laid to rest & it’s okay. But there you go. And I hope the next Witcher stars Ciri & not a make your own Witcher, I know he can’t comment on that but I am hoping that ends up being true 😂🤷🏻‍♂️"

The depth of Endymion’s responses reveals a careful balancing act. On one hand, he’s hopeful that CDPR is not in the trouble his sources suggest; on the other, he presents undeniable evidence of the company's DEI involvement, which directly contradicts the CEO’s statements.

Endymion keeps going though.. and the burial of CDPR is in full swing at this point:

Also you say DEI isn’t a thing yet CDPR awards their employees via DEI initiatives? Can you comment on this too?

...and then with:

Hey CEO guy why is your company excluding men from your scholarship programs? I thought you only hired based on merit & talent alone? Doesn't sound very balanced to me. Here's a link to that in case people want to hear more!

not done... nope not yet:

Hey CEO guy wanna comment on the director of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 who has been poaching your talent as you bleed devs saying publicly that he heard from your own employees that your company & your devs are having trouble utilizing Unreal Engine 5 for your upcoming games?

Then another:

You also say diversity isn't a thing you guys push...well that's not true is it? Here's another link!

...and finally the finishing blow:

Also why does your company say you don't discriminate based on race, skin color or sex yet you exclude men from your scholarship programs?

Dissecting the Damage Control

Nowakowski’s response to Endymion wasn’t just defensive—it was strategically dismissive, employing language desperately trying (and honestly, initially succeeding in the overall community briefly before the tables turned) to discredit Endymion by framing his insights as “conspiracy theories.” Yet, as Endymion calmly demonstrated, CDPR’s public documentation speaks for itself more than any 'insider' could. The company’s DEI commitments and ESG initiatives are visible to anyone willing to look - right out there in the open, making Nowakowski’s attempt to downplay these elements ineffective at best and deceptive at worst.

The Mary Kenney thing...

One key issue is CDPR’s hiring of Mary Kenny, a known feminist activist who has publicly stated that:

“Every lever must be pulled to push the disordered LGBTQ+ agenda.” 

Hiring someone with such overt ideological ambitions directly contradicts the company’s claim of hiring based solely on merit and talent. This raises serious concerns about CDPR’s priorities and the future direction of the studio that I discussed previously in the video above. By bringing someone like Kenny on board, CDPR’s leadership appears to be fully embracing an activist-driven approach—whether or not that aligns with their core fanbase... The do not care.

What This Means for CDPR

Ultimately, Nowakowski’s damage control failed to address the underlying concerns that Endymion raised. The CEO’s quick dismissal of Endymion’s insights as “nonsense” did literally nothing to alleviate fans’ fears. Instead, it reinforced the perception that CDPR is heading down a familiar and troubling path—one that prioritizes ideology over creativity and merit. A path Ubisoft and now Square Enix, know all too well.

In the end, Endymion’s tactful and fact-based approach COMPLETELY dismantled the narrative Nowakowski tried to spin. It didn't stand a chance.

Despite the CEO’s attempts to discredit Endymion, the facts are clear here: CDPR has committed themselves to DEI initiatives and ESG standards, and fans have every right to be concerned about the future of the company. Nowakowski’s denial of these facts only serves to erode the trust, making it all the more critical for fans to stay informed and keep holding companies accountable for their actions, not just their words...


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6 days ago

I think it's kinda dumb from CDPR CEO to say there is no DEI at CDPR and they hire ppl based on talents while their official website says otherwise. He should have checked his company's website before making his statement.

Keep up the good work Smash, you are smashing!


6 days ago

I lost a lot trust in them since the fiasco that was cyberpunk, and reading this makes me even more concerned. I could only imagine what the witcher 1 remake will be like after all of this

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