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Chris Kindred Has Been Fired from Sweet Baby Inc!

Chris Kindred Fired from Sweet Baby Inc: A Major Win for the Gaming Community

In breaking news to be celebrated by many in the gaming world, it's been confirmed that Chris Kindred, a key figure in several online controversies and the originator of many issues beginning Gamergate2, has been FIRED from Sweet Baby Inc!

Credit for the scoop goes to MasterofTheTDS - Gothic Therapy, who was given exclusive insider information from within the company. According to MasterofTheTDS, Kindred’s firing has not been publicly acknowledged by Sweet Baby Inc., but the source they have is highly credible and very close to the situation, making this news as good as officially confirmed.

A Controversial Figure - Chris Kindred - Is Finally Out

Chris Kindred is no stranger to controversy, and his removal from Sweet Baby Inc. comes after mounting internal pressure from other members of the company who were fed up with his behavior. Kindred is most infamous for his role in what has been dubbed “Gamergate 2” which began when he launched an unprovoked attack on Kabrutus, a Steam curator who had been openly critical of Sweet Baby Inc. Kindred's campaign to deplatform Kabrutus was seen by many as a calculated move to silence criticism, attempting to get the removal of the “Sweet Baby Inc. Detected” Steam curator group... And gamers were having NONE of it.

But that was just one of many troubling incidents involving Kindred. He also made headlines for attempting to me fired by contacting my old employer and labeling me as racist, making false claims throughout his tirade. Kindred's actions not only crossed professional boundaries, but also reflected his tendency to use smear tactics to damage the reputation of those who dared to question him or Sweet Baby Inc.

Internal Pressure and the Quiet Firing

According to MasterofTheTDS’s insider, Kindred’s conduct had become too much even for Sweet Baby Inc., a company that has had plenty of controversies that I've covered in detail. There were reportedly multiple calls to CEO Kim Belair and other decision-makers within the company, urging them to remove Kindred from his position. Although the decision to part ways with Kindred was made internally, Sweet Baby Inc. has opted not to make any public statements on the matter... At least - yet. I wouldn't hold my breath, either. In fact, Kindred’s bio may still reflect his association with the company for a long time moving forward, but make no mistake—he’s been quietly pushed out... He's GONE.

This is a huge development, not just because Kindred has been fired, but because it highlights the ongoing internal divisions within Sweet Baby Inc. Not everyone at the company was on board with Kindred’s toxic behavior, and it seems that the push to remove him finally gained enough traction to result in his dismissal. While we could speculate that he did something awful to someone internally there, following suit with the external character he's shown us to be, at this point, we have no info about the specific reason as to 'why' beyond what was provided.

A Positive Step for the Gaming Community

For many in the gaming community, this news represents a significant victory. Chris Kindred has been a figure of division and controversy for years, using his position at Sweet Baby Inc. to attack critics and silence dissenting voices. His toxic behavior has caused harm to both individuals and the broader community at large, and his removal is a step in the right direction for accountability within the industry...

Kindred’s firing may also signal a shift within Sweet Baby Inc. itself. While the company has faced numerous criticisms of its own—ranging from its involvement in promoting forced DEI initiatives to alienating core gaming audiences—this move shows that even within Sweet Baby Inc., there are limits to what the company will tolerate. It remains to be seen if this will lead to more positive changes within the organization, but obviously at this point we can never give any credit to Sweet Baby Inc., as they have shown us time and time again that they do NOT have our best interests in mind.

The Fallout

While Sweet Baby Inc. has yet to release any formal statement on Kindred’s departure, the news is already making waves online. Gamers who were targeted by Kindred, as well as those who have long been critical of his behavior, are celebrating this moment. The fact that Kindred’s firing has been kept quiet only underscores the level of damage control Sweet Baby Inc. is attempting, but thanks to MasterofTheTDS and his insider source, the truth has been revealed for everyone to see.

Kindred’s downfall is also a lesson for the broader industry too—people who use their positions to bully, intimidate, and silence others will eventually ALWAYS face the consequences, even if those consequences come quietly and behind closed doors... and after far too much time has passed.

A Long Time Coming

For those of us who have been on the receiving end of Kindred’s harassment, this feels like long-overdue justice. His attempts to get me fired, his baseless attacks on Kabrutus, and his overall toxic influence on the gaming community have finally caught up with him. The fact that he’s out of Sweet Baby Inc. is great news for everyone who values open discussion and accountability within the gaming industry. Here's hoping he lands on his feet, anywhere else but the game industry. While he did awful things to me, I will take the high road here, and say while he will not be missed, I hope he's able to get the help in his life to get back on track that he clearly so desperately needs.

Chris Kindred's departure is another example of why standing up against individuals like him matters. This is a win for free speech, for the gaming community, and for anyone who’s ever been unfairly targeted by a professional trying to leverage their position for personal attacks... So, let’s celebrate this moment. Chris Kindred is out, and the gaming world is better for it.


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12 hours ago

I wonder what he did to get fired it must of been really bad for them fire him. Indeed great news now they need release the other people employed there like the one that wants to burn the game industry to the ground, and is very racist can't remember his name


16 hours ago

It’s a sad day for the nose ring mafiA, they lost a real one today.

Smash JT
Smash JT
14 hours ago
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Pour one out!

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