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Dustborn Dev Goes On The Attack After Caught STEALING Game Assets...

The Dustborn Debacle Somehow Gets Even More Insane...

In the the video game industry, where originality is often the key to success, a recent discovery has been brought to light that paints the failure that is Dustborn in (somehow) an even WORSE light...

Caught by @MadamSavvy on X - she's left many of us now wondering about the integrity of Red Thread Games' latest release, Dustborn. Allegations have surfaced regarding the game's apartment layouts, and how they look to be a direct rip-off of those found in the wildly popular "GTA Online" - sparking waves of criticism across social media.

One of the Developers of the game, instead of addressing these accusations head-on, instead chose the trusty ol' reliable path of melting down for all to see.

...Are we sensing a trend yet?

Before we get to the developer, let's first take a look at these pics. Credit to Slick (@HeySlickThatsMe on X) who pointed out that the interior designs of the apartments in Dustborn mirror almost identically those which are found in GTA Online... with alarming accuracy.

From the placement of paintings and televisions to the layout of rooms and even a small garden, the similarities are... hard to ignore.

This issue came to light when high-quality screenshots, compared to older videos of "GTA Online," were shared widely on social media platforms, attracting over 110,000 views.

The response was a mix of humor and outrage in the replies, with some suggesting that the situation could lead to legal action from Take Two, the parent company of Grand Theft Auto...

Developer Lacking Ethics and Accountability (Shocker...)

Thea Bergh (AKA @ShitSpout on X), a crazed lunatic (as you'll see) and of course (modern) game designer at Red Thread Games - has displayed quite the "outspoken" social media presence in response to all this.

She's painfully attempted to dismiss the 'copying' claims with quips and sarcasm.. and failed miserably...

In response to criticisms about the game's lack of originality, Bergh retweeted comments mocking the situation, highlighting her disdain for crowd-funding and preference for utilizing taxpayer dollars—funds that many argue could be better spent on societal benefits like education or housing assistance.

This attitude has sparked further debate about the ethical responsibilities of game developers. Critics have argued that when a game's design 'borrows' so heavily from existing works without adding new elements, it not only reflects a lack of creativity... but also - a blatant disregard for the gaming community's expectations for innovation and respect for actual intellectual property.

Broader Implications for Red Thread Games

The controversy surrounding "Dustborn" extends well beyond just the similarities shared with GTA Online. The game's reception has been beyond embarrassing, with player counts failing to meet even the lowest of expectations, suggesting that gamers are turning away from what they see as a lack of originality, amongst other things (propaganda, we're looking at you). They can't even surpass 100 concurrent players on steam for a game that was in development for literally YEARS.

The reaction highlights importance of creativity and original thought in game development, aspects crucial for capturing and maintaining player interest.

Bergh's approach to 'funding' and 'development' has raised quite a few eyebrows. Her critical stance on alternative funding methods and her preference for government support have led to discussions about the sustainability and even moral implications of such funding strategies in the gaming industry.

As "Dustborn" faces certain failure, as well as scrutiny from both players and industry peers, the situation serves as a great reminder of the fine line between inspiration and outright imitation. These 'developers' are looking more an more like cheap hacks that pretend to know what they're doing instead of actual talented artists.

The gaming community expects and deserves original content that pushes the boundaries of storytelling and design. Red Thread Games, and by extension, Thea Bergh, now faces the task of addressing these concerns transparently and re-establishing their commitment to innovation in a fiercely competitive market. Based off how she's been handling herself online thus far, I wouldn't hold my breath...


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1 Comment

Anser Md
Anser Md
Aug 25

I think the funding is way worse, the 150k is just the EU's part, here is norway's tax part i guess:

I'd look into translating this to find out how much exactly

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