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Dustborn: The Wokest Game Ever Coming Soon...

Writer: Smash JTSmash JT

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, woke companies?

Dustborn: The Wokest Game Ever Coming Soon
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The video game industry is no stranger to controversy, especially when it comes to woke agendas... and here we go again. The upcoming release of Dustborn has sparked a whirlwind of discussions, criticisms, and strong opinions, particularly within online communities. Despite (at least currently) no direct evidence of Sweet Baby Inc. involvement, nor any other 'consultancy' groups listed, I can't help but think that this is the result of them. Hide it all they want, at this point, the woke meter is so off the charts that it's beyond obvious.

Dustborn: The Wokest Game Ever Coming Soon
That would be a score of YIKES.

Dustborn is supposedly a narrative story, but steeped in progressive ideologies, aiming to reflect a world where social justice, equity, and diversity are at the forefront... a hysterical premise that only gets worse the deeper you dive. The reactions to this game have been anything but unified, with a significant portion of the gaming community expressing skepticism, frustration, and... outright disdain. Gamers are, for lack of better words, sick of this shit.

But let's get into why this game is "Exhibit A" for the downfall of gaming in general, because this rabbit hole goes deep...

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