Inside Monolith’s Final Days: Leaked Photos and the Truth Behind Wonder Woman’s Failure

It’s the end of an era for Monolith Productions. The once-legendary game studio behind classics like F.E.A.R. and Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor has officially closed its doors as of last week, and in the wake of all of its demise, former employees have now reached out to me with some exclusive images from inside the studio on its final days...

But beyond just the haunting images of an abandoned office, in addition to that, I’ve also been given some eye-opening insights as to what really happened to Wonder Woman and how corporate meddling, DEI agendas, ideologies, and destructive hiring practices ultimately led to Monolith’s downfall.

Inside the Final Days of Monolith Productions
I was sent all of these images placed throughout this article that were taken on Monolith’s second-to-last day in operation. The offices, once bustling with activity, had now fallen eerily silent, with employees dwindling on that day, as they packed up their belongings and left the building one last time. The whiteboards still had remnants filled with charts and tables of development notes, including what appeared to be move lists for Wonder Woman, though nothing explicitly under NDA, according to my source:

Another source, a veteran who had been with Monolith for 30 years, shared his deeply personal experience of watching the studio crumble to the ground. He described the final day as a mix of emotions, with, as to be expected, some of the employees were in tears, while others embraced the moment with drinks in hand, casually cheering as they reminisced about their time at the company. Honestly, understanding the situation for what it was, I can't say I blame any of them.

A few dedicated developers that were still passionate about their game, worked on getting the final Wonder Woman build up and running ...even after the shutdown notice—just so they could showcase it better on their resumes and LinkedIn profiles, or so I was told. But hearing that when the studio received news of its closure, the game wasn’t even functional makes me think that it was more of a pride thing to get it to boot up, if nothing else.

The Missing Memorabilia and a Stolen Piece of History
Beyond the emotional farewells, many of the now former employees had managed to recover a gigantic treasure trove of Monolith’s history. Old documents, magazines, and posters were scattered throughout the office, including framed magazine clippings from some of their games from yesteryear like Blood, Shogo, and Condemned. One insider mentioned stumbling upon the original design documents for No One Lives Forever—an iconic franchise that's long been stuck in legal limbo. The hope here is that they... or at least someone eventually shares these lost artifacts with the world.

My favorite part of their story was when the moment came to talk about the employees—who of course will remain anonymous here—witnessed someone even taking the Monolith lobby sign as a final memento:

Whether Warner Bros. will choose to act on that remains to be seen, but... given their mishandling of the studio, it’s hard to blame those who wanted to keep a piece of Monolith’s legacy alive, and I highly doubt WB games cares to pursue anyone after the shut down. The office itself was completely ransacked by the end of the day, and at this point in the industry, that is standard practice...

The DEI Infestation That Helped Kill Monolith
While of course there were many passionate and talented developers that worked at Monolith, not all of them were there because of merit. Insider accounts have confirmed with me that, like many modern studios, Monolith had started to become infested with DEI hiring practices that prioritized diversity quotas over actual ability. Wokeness was beginning to take over the studio.

This led to several unqualified hires who just simply couldn’t pull their weight, ultimately dragging down development efforts. Instead of fostering the culture that once made Monolith great, the studio instead, in the modern era, was forced to embrace the same self-destructive corporate ideologies that have plagued the gaming industry for years.

While the studio had its fair share of based gamers and skilled devs trying its best to keep things afloat, the push for “inclusivity” over competency proved to be the final death sentence. The Wonder Woman project, a once ambitious endeavor, instead became a mismanaged mess filled with leadership issues and technical failures that absolutely no one seemed capable of fixing in time. In the end, Monolith’s fate was sealed WAY before its final days—this here was just the inevitable conclusion to the years leading up of misguided corporate decision-making.

A Legacy Lost, But Not Forgotten
As Monolith Productions fades into history, it will serve as a grim reminder of EXACTLY what happens when once-beloved studios fall victim to industry trends that prioritize optics over talent. While a few former employees were able to salvage some pieces of Monolith’s past, the real tragedy here lies in the projects that will now unfortunately never see the light of day.

For those who worked there and truly cared about making great games, this is an irreplaceable loss, and I genuinely feel for them. But for the suits who allowed the mind virus to spread throughout the office hallways to happen? Just another casualty in their never-ending cycle of destruction.
One can only hope that the lessons from Monolith’s downfall won’t be ignored by the rest of the industry—though, given the current state of gaming, as usual... I wouldn’t hold my breath.
A well-deserved closure.
It's been a very long time since I called Monolith as the literal worst traitors to FPS fans who went from making so many awesome FPS games earlier in their history to the latter trashes they made later in their history, and that soy (((Wonder Wahman))) project surely would've been a guaranteed groomer slop. (((Wonder Wahman)))'s premise always has been woke since its inception from the comics and nothing could ever redeem something whose premise is literally woke ("Men are weak! Men bad! Feminazi stronk! Feminazi good!"), and I just can't imagine what this preachy POS would've been like and how many millions would it have brainwashed had they actually unleashed this dog turd that is totally…
This is the imagery of what feminism does to a studio. All that legacy and talent destroyed, just to push a misandrist messaging.