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GDC Advisor Marina Díez Says 'F*** White Men and Gatekeepers'

Marina Díez’s Controversial Remarks: A Broken Window Into the Current State of the Gaming Industry. Ever notice how those "major" industry news outlets NEVER expose these people?

Has to make you wonder...

I'm constantly impressed by the sheer amount of awful human beings that continue to infiltrate the game industry. At times, it feels limitless...

In a now-deleted post on her now-private (because of course) Twitter, Marina Díez, an advisor for the Game Developers Conference (YIKES) and the CEO of 3ofCups Games/Principal Game Designer for BTF Games, caused quite the stir... to put it nicely - with her statements specifically targeting white men.

Díez wrote on X:

“I went from thinking I’m a s****y designer to consult to and train teams at one of the biggest games companies in the world. Keep believing in yourself and f**k white men and gatekeepers.”

She added in a follow-up

“(Not all white men suck but you know what I mean, my loves).”

The inflammatory language of these posts sparked a firestorm across the industry, with former World of Warcraft Team Lead Mark Kern (@Grummz) sharing the post before it was deleted.

Additional screenshots shared by ThatParkPlace captured Díez’s statements that are equally damning, as her approach here to the industry is nothing new. They provide a snapshot of the growing tensions within the gaming community, especially when it comes to issues of diversity, inclusion, and perceived hostility toward certain groups...

A Pattern of Comments

Díez’s remarks aren't an isolated incident. Over time, she's made similar concerning statements about white men specifically, continuing a theme of expressing disdain toward them in the context of the gaming industry. Makes you wonder what happened to her in her personal life to hate white men this much, as there is a lot of harbored anger pent up inside her...

In April, Díez posted

“Growing my abs to crush nuts and obnoxious white men with them.”

A few weeks later, she said:

“Why white men over 40 (for being somehow generous) are allergic to saying the word ‘diversity’?”

3ofCups Games

Her 3ofCups Games website describes the company as “an ethical, diverse and inclusive games studio based in London, UK.”

The mission statement continues, “We believe that we can help to change the world through games... But above all, we believe in people.” However... her public comments present a far more exclusionary attitude, specifically aimed against white men, which, I dunno about you guys, but... seems a BIT hypocritical.

The "Manifesto"

Then we have the 3OfCups "Manifesto" - and Díez’s tweets stand in stark contrast to the supposed values outlined in the manifesto of her company. The manifesto emphasizes a commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of identity. It says they promote creating fair, accessible, and socially responsible games, alongside fostering a workplace free of harassment and discrimination. Apparently that has some... strings attached.

Why is it always the projection with these types? They harbor such inner turmoil that they pretend they're holier than thou just to preach the exact opposite as soon as they get the chance. Díez's public tweets targeting white men seem... hypocritical when compared to the studio’s stated goals of empathy and understanding, highlighting a pretty big disconnect here between her actions and the inclusive ideals her company claims to uphold...

The Broader Impact on the Industry

Marina Díez’s comments, though targeted and personal, represent a broader discussion taking place within the gaming world about the role of diversity, inclusivity, and the changing dynamics of the industry.

While inclusivity has clearly become a key focus for many developers, there's a growing concern that the hard push for diversity is alienating others, ironically, almost a way to 'replace' who is in the industry with the people they want...

Creating a Divided Community

Díez’s aggressive tweets come at a time when the gaming community is already feeling the strain of ideological divides. Unfortunately, while companies and individuals like Díez push for more inclusive practices, the reality is, the exact opposite continues to actually happen.

Her "efforts" are just creating a new form of exclusion. Ironic...

Grummz, who brought attention to Díez’s post, has thankfully been vocal in calling out instances where inclusivity appears to cross the line into hostility. His sharing of this incident has sparked a wider conversation about the balance between inclusivity and respectful dialogue within the industry... and that - is a great thing.

The Fallout

Marina Díez’s comments have exposed just how bad the rot inside the gaming industry really is, with organizations like GDC openly supporting her and her approach. The language she's used to express her frustrations is something that should NOT be championed in the video game industry. There is no place for such hate.

Credit to Grummz for the heads-up on this unfolding situation, and to ThatParkPlace for the quick work snagging the screenshots before she took her account private in the industry’s ongoing culture wars.


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6 comentários

Clearly this so called individual has never had to deal with any consequences in her life or has also never been told No, so it seems to think that it's okay to spew her Racist Bullcrap about without any one telling her to Shut her PieHole which she should do before someone ends up slapping some sense into her,which she would deserve


Kimberly B.
Kimberly B.
20 de set.

Gotta laugh at the "white man hatred" when white men are in fact the ONLY reason folks like Marina have ANY rights at all in a lot of places around the world.

10/10 LOLcow.


18 de set.

This industry is far more infected that journos and most developers are willing to admit. It reeks of racists and sexists putting on the masquerade of being "anti-racist" and "inclusive" while being the exact opposite themselves. And unfortunately for them, in their infinite wisdow, they decided to target men who are 90% of video game buyers and white people who are probably 75-90% of the total audience, at least in the West. The grift will continue for a little more but it's soon coming to an end.


18 de set.

I like to know how they get jobs in that field with that type of attitude

19 de set.
Respondendo a

Having that attitude is why they got their job. Keep in mind BRIDGE advocates to only hiring individuals that align with their ideology. It's the same think Blackrock advocates to only partner with other companies that push the narrative. It's a way of excluding and forcing everyone to conform.


18 de set.

While it’s no secret that these DEI people hate straight white men and are on a mission to replace their jobs within the industry, at least this chick has the balls to outright say it.

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