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He's Still Going: Avowed Art Director Matt Hansen Continues His INSANE Unhinged Social Media Rampage...

Obsidian Entertainment has gone off the rails and the gaming community isn't happy about it...

Matt Hansen, the crazed Art Director for Avowed, the highly anticipated first-person fantasy RPG from Xbox and Obsidian Entertainment, is back again (already), making 'waves' for all the wrong reasons. Hansen’s social media presence has continued to raise eyebrows repeatedly, and it shows zero signs of slowing down as he continues to stir debate with inflammatory remarks and complete and utter open disdain for the gaming industry—and more importantly - the gamers.

Quick recap if you've missed up to this point, the following video covers the initial craziness:

But now? It's gotten so bad to the point that you'd think Obsidian Entertainment - or even Microsoft themselves - would step in to stop these wildly unhinged rants on BlueSky... but no. Welcome to the modern era of gaming, where game companies are now fully-enabling their workforce to self-destruct themselves in front of everyone. These get even crazier than the last time... if you can believe that.

It's almost glorious... in a way.

Let the Tweet Unhingy Unhingeness... CONTINUE!!

Matt Hansen ( kicks off some craziness with:

"They need to feel the sting of shame for the rest of their putrid lives, tbh. And that is me being nice."

This was in response to another post by Faine Greenwood (

"I also firmly believe that we need to crush these people's spirits into blood and earth, not be nice to the amoral supporters of an aspirational gore-soaked dictator."

This exchange showcases Matt Hansen echos and amplifies a call for shaming and crushing ideological opponents. Totally normal, if you're crazy. By emphasizing his remarks represent a "nice" approach, Hansen once again displays a consistent pattern of using hostile language that alienates not only gamers, but also raises some serious concerns about his professional role as a creative leader at Obsidian Entertainment. This kinda rhetoric is just the beginning of the 'continuation' of the controversy surrounding his online behavior. Of course... He keeps going...

In a now-deleted post from his X account, Hansen let everyone know that he has an intent to prioritize Black artists for portfolio reviews and job advice, stating:

“We got too many crusty white dudes in this field, please let me help you replace me one day—I want to go back to living in the woods.”

As Elon Musk responded to Ian Miles Cheong in discussion about @Grummz post covering Asmongold - this would actually be illegal to follow through on, not that laws ever mattered to people like Hansen.

Hansen’s posts reveal a personal mission to push ideologies, evidenced by a lot of things, not just his reaction to Elon Musk’s remarks about inclusivity in gaming... But as I spoke about it previously, this Hansen fella sure has a serious hate boner for Elon...

Musk had commented that:

“having pronouns in a fantasy game is utterly acceptable”

to which Hansen wrote:

“Sickos.jpg I wanted so badly to make him mad with my game, and I cannot believe it actually happened. Just wait until you see the default, you sad little shit.”

Totally normal and not insane response... right? ...RIGHT? Oh well.. Maybe he'll learn moving forward. Hahaha jk... He only doubles and triples down on the insanity.

After Musk criticized companies for being “racist & sexist against ‘white guys,’” Hansen responded with disgust, writing on BlueSky:

“Oh, Elon, you sweet summer child, this will only embolden me, you sad sack of shit.”

A Broader Issue in Entertainment

Hansen’s continued remarks and attitude are very emblematic of the growing divide in the gaming industry - displaying a disdain not just for certain demographics within the industry, but also for the broader gaming audience. His antagonistic comments are more of a determination to provoke rather than try to unite, a stance that has drawn attention—and anger—from gamers and critics alike. I can't say it's unwarranted either, because holy crap... this guy has lost the plot.

The Fallout for Obsidian and Xbox

Hansen has worked at Obsidian for over nine years, but his behavior on social media now poses significant risks for the studio and its parent company, Microsoft/Xbox. With Avowed originally poised to be a major release for the platform, the controversy surrounding Hansen’s comments seemingly out of the blue threatens to overshadow the game itself. I'm personally thinking that his public outbursts reflect terribly on the leadership at Obsidian and the cultural direction of Xbox as a whole.

If a company encourages erratic behavior that is detrimental to the bottom line - then what do they stand for at the end of the day? Sure it sounds great to say you let your employees do whatever the hell they want, but ask the shareholders if they have that same sentiment. We all know the answer.

As Hansen continues to comment on social media platforms and attack gamers, so does the scrutiny on Avowed and all its developers. It remains to be seen whether Obsidian or Xbox will address Hansen’s remarks—or if his social media activity persists unchecked, alienating the very audience Avowed is meant to captivate in the first place. I don't care how long you've worked for me. If someone was employed under Smash JT and started attacking our customers, they'd be out of a job before they could finish the next tweet.

For now, one thing is clear: Matt Hansen shows absolutely ZERO sign of slowing down, leaving us to wonder how much longer he’ll be allowed to continue this insane rampage before it causes irreparable damage to his studio and its reputation.

Some would argue, it already has...



Dec 01, 2024

To me, this Racist Idiot should be Fired and Blacklisted from the gaming world forever-that way he can never be hired ever to work on Woke garbage


Cc Fdp
Cc Fdp
Nov 28, 2024

Didn't Microsoft disband their DEI team ? I tought that shit was finally going to end


Nov 27, 2024

I have a theory about this guy’s actions and his approach to “marketing” his game…

This guy knows that the game will be ridiculed when it comes out if it even has the slightest tinge of DEI or gender politics. It turns out that the game is chock full of both of those things. So he’s thinking, “this game has been in development for years, and we’re gonna lose our asses on it. I need to find a way to at least break even.”

His strategy, therefore, is to talk as much trash as he can about the audience he knows will reject the game on day one regardless, and he will try to get as many blue hair, MAP,…

Nov 28, 2024
Replying to

Yeah, you’re probably right that he’s doing more harm than good. I guess I’m just trying to make sense of what he’s doing by employing logic and rational thought…but then I realize we’re dealing with emotional liberals, so all that goes out the window.


Nov 27, 2024

Why even get a job in the video game industry if your main goal is piss to people off. The man needs help


Nov 27, 2024

When I worked in software development we would do whatever we could to make the customers happy and WANT our product. These people have never been hungry enough to realize this. I'll never spend money on woke garbage made by racist creators.

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