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IGN Refuses To Review 'Lollipop Chainsaw RePop' Remake: Peak IGN Hypocrisy

Writer: Smash JTSmash JT
IGN Refuses To Review 'Lollipop Chainsaw RePop' Remake: Peak IGN Hypocrisy
Trying to control a narrative... and failing.

In a move that's left many of us scratching our heads, IGN has refused to review the "Lollipop Chainsaw RePop" remake. Yeah, I get it, even if you think IGN is a terrible organization, you'd think at the very least they'd still re-review a big upcoming re-release...

But no.

It doesn't fit the 'Message'...

As @MangaLawyer pointed out on Twitter/X, the refusal's likely due to the fear that the game might "trigger" some of their "They/Them" staff.

Instead of providing an honest review with a fresh perspective, IGN opts to publish an article simply "announcing" the game’s launch while also not hesitating to take a jab at its past by reminding everyone of the 5/10 score they originally gave it.

IGN Refuses To Review 'Lollipop Chainsaw RePop' Remake: Peak IGN Hypocrisy
5 out of 10.... while Dustborn gets a 7. Ok, IGN.

A review by Mitch Dyer (Bonus, just found out I'm blocked by him on Twitter lol) — a rating many feel was unfair even back then.

IGN Refuses To Review 'Lollipop Chainsaw RePop' Remake: Peak IGN Hypocrisy
Never interacted with this guy and I'm blocked. They hate differing opinions.

Let's talk about this so-called 5/10 score for a moment. Back in the day, IGN labeled the original "Lollipop Chainsaw" a mediocre title, but let’s face it, by today’s standards, this game would easily hit at least a 7.

"IGN is unwilling to review Lollipop Chainsaw REPOP, probably because it might trigger some of the They/Them staff."

Why? Because if IGN can give a 7 to games like "Dustborn," a buggy, propaganda-filled mess, and the now-failed "Concord," there’s no reason "Lollipop Chainsaw RePop," a remaster of a cult classic, shouldn’t be rated higher.

IGN Refuses To Review 'Lollipop Chainsaw RePop' Remake: Peak IGN Hypocrisy
Streisand effect for game buying

But if they were to review it today, you can bet IGN would probably go as low as a 3 or 2 - just to make a point.

IGN Refuses To Review 'Lollipop Chainsaw RePop' Remake: Peak IGN Hypocrisy
Someone please make it make sense!

Someone needs to tell IGN that this game is for actual gamers. We all know why they don’t like it—they just don't like anything that appeals to us anymore.

Is anyone even the least bit surprised?

IGN Refuses To Review 'Lollipop Chainsaw RePop' Remake: Peak IGN Hypocrisy
Sure, IGN. Sure...

This isn’t the first time IGN has shown their glaring hypocrisy. Remember "The Last of Us"? IGN initially gave the original a 9, but when the remaster hit, they upped the score to a perfect 10.

IGN Refuses To Review 'Lollipop Chainsaw RePop' Remake: Peak IGN Hypocrisy
Great points.

...And let's not forget how they reviewed "Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD" not once, but twice—first on PS3 and then again on PS4. Clearly, they have no issue reviewing remasters... when it suits their narrative.

The hypocrisy is astounding. If IGN doesn’t want to review "Lollipop Chainsaw RePop," fine—don’t review it. But don’t think you can subtly undermine the game while refusing to even give it a fair chance. If you won’t play by the rules, don’t play at all. Yet, these vile creatures in media try to dictate how actual gamers should approach our hobby. They just continue to twist the narrative to fit their agenda, pushing their 'feelings against the patriarchy' over fairness and real gamers.

IGN Refuses To Review 'Lollipop Chainsaw RePop' Remake: Peak IGN Hypocrisy

So here’s the real question: How is IGN still in business?

Their credibility is at rock bottom. It’s clear they’ve forgotten their roots and are now more interested in gatekeeping content based on how it fits with their ever-evolving standards. The audience isn't blind, and we're tired of this obvious double standard. We deserve better, and we’re not afraid to say it. But hey, thanks to them comtinuing to drop the ball, sites like,,,, and so many other individual creators and smaller news outlets are gaining such foothold these days.

It's pretty blatantly obvious to see why....


4 comentarios

07 nov 2024

If IGN chooses not to review this game because there worried that it's gonna trigger the Ideolog Wackjobs because IGN is literally kissing the Ass of these brainless freaks,so I say let IGN Crash & Burn because they chose the wrong side

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Kimberly B.
Kimberly B.
15 sept 2024

I'm still baffled why anyone cares about IGN reviews.

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John Bartle
John Bartle
13 sept 2024

This is complete speculation. What is the basis for saying they won't be reviewing it? The tweet being cited just shows a screenshot from an early August article where they announced it was being released early (big shock since when do games get released early?), and in that same article the review score of the original is briefly mentioned. But where does it say they won't be reviewing it?

MangaLawyer doesn't even say anything vague like "sources tell me", he just states it like it's a fact with literally nothing to support it. How is this not 100% speculation being presented as fact?

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12 sept 2024

That's ok, it's almost a 5/5 on PlayStation Store user reviews.

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