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Kim Belair Gaslights Gamer ''HATE Campaign" At XOXO Fest 2024

Updated: 4 days ago

Crying 'poor victim' doesn't work when we have the receipts, Kim.

Kim Belair attempted to paint a rosy picture of her company and herself as the perpetual victims of an 'unjust' hate campaign at the XOXO fest 2024... But she conveniently left out ANY of the context whatsoever - important key details explaining why the gaming community, up to and including Elon Musk - have taken issue with SBI in the first place.

She then proceeds to attack Elon Musk for daring to share his opinion on them publicly, ignoring why he criticized Sweet Baby Inc. in the first place, and instead, claiming he was responsible for bringing a 'wave of hate' to her company.

...and we're only just getting started.

Welcome to Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair's MASTERCLASS in gaslighting....

Belair presented herself as a "narrative expert," but after (painfully) listening to her entire speech, it was clear that her true expertise here lies in the lies. Spinning a story where her company is always the wronged party, never acknowledging any wrongdoing or accountability - EVER.

The audience was fed the idea that Sweet Baby Inc. is simply a small, kind group of lovingly passionate developers that just have a passion for making games awesome that were being targeted by harassment! She made ZERO mention of why people are genuinely upset. It was honestly baffling how anyone could listen to this and not come away with questions. Is it SBI? No... It must be the entire world out to get them that are the problem here!

What Belair conveniently glossed over throughout was the troubling behavior within her own company. She failed to mention how Sweet Baby Inc.'s employee Chris Kindred tried to cancel the YouTuber Kabrutus, going as far as attempting to get his Steam account shut down for the "crime" of curating a list of Sweet Baby Inc. games. The 'list' was created from Sweet Baby Inc's own website with their own publicly available information - to help consumers make informed choices, but Kindred's response was to try to erase it, and that’s not all...

Those who have been following the channel for a while would remember that this is the very same Kindred who also attempted to have the me fired from my old job, slandering me as a "racist" without any basis. Of course, Belair made no mention of this in her victim-focused narrative... Because that would collapse her house of cards.

Then there's Camerin Wild, another Sweet Baby Inc. employee, who once gave a presentation filled with anti-white rhetoric, making it clear that their goal was to "burn the game industry to the ground."

Or how about Maya Felix Kramer, who has a well-documented history of making inflammatory and racist comments on social media? Yet, Belair remained silent on these glaring issues during her talk, instead painting the entire gaming community as part of some grand conspiracy to take down her company for no reason.

Belair even took a moment to throw a jab at Elon Musk, who she labeled a "noted buffoon" - almost as if - she's allowed to call others names and whatever she wants, but as soon as anyone labels her, it's oh no! Everyone is a racist bigot! Rules for me, not for thee in full swing.

But again, she left out the crucial details of why Musk or anyone else in the gaming industry would feel compelled to speak out. She and her company ilk have been at the forefront of controversy, and the outcry isn’t about "diversity" or "woke-ifying" games, as she suggested—it’s about the toxic, unprofessional behavior of Sweet Baby Inc. employees and the complete and utter disastrous impact they’ve had on the projects they touch.

The reality is, companies that work with Sweet Baby Inc. always seem to find themselves mired in failure and financial ruin. Their involvement seems to almost guarantee failure. But rather than address these concerns honestly, Kim Belair continues to weave a tale where Sweet Baby Inc. is the victim, refusing to take responsibility for her team’s actions and instead blaming the entire world for their problems.

Watching Belair's presentation was a stomach-turning exercise in watching someone dodge accountability while claiming to be targeted unfairly. The sad truth is, this isn't about harassment or hate campaigns—this is about the gaming community rightfully calling out an awful company and the awful people that occupy it who have not only failed to deliver on its projects but has also... employed these individuals who act with impunity, causing harm to others without consequence or any accountability.

The gamers are not the problem here, Kim. You are.



Oct 11

hey kim


I'm honestly not surprised at this at all ! Clearly Kim Belair is trying to do major damage control because she knows that her company is screwed due to all the wrong/ bad and Illegal things they have done and ya wonder why everyone whom is awoken to their Bullcrap hates there Guts


It's very hypocritical for her to paint them selves as the victim and say there good people, when their own employees harassed other people trying to end their own lively hood. Just because they did not agree with their methods.


Oct 11

No Kim, we know you're lying, we aren't morons like you think.

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