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Kim Belair Is An EXTREME 'Anti-White-Male' Racist...

Blocking me on Twitter was a gigantic mistake, Kim. What I initially thought was going to be a quick, fun video about your wacky shenanigans... quickly spiraled into a very deep rabbit hole that exposes your racism completely...

Kim Belair, the CEO of Sweet Baby Inc., a widely criticized consultancy firm known for injecting divisive narratives into the gaming industry, recently gave an extremely insincere presentation at XOXO fest. In typical fashion, she took center stage with her usual victimhood narrative... but this time, with a new target: Elon Musk.

Belair didn’t hold back, calling Musk a "Noted Baffoon" and launching into a tirade against Twitter (or X, as it’s now known), painting the platform as a space riddled with toxicity. She expressed her decision to leave Twitter long ago, claiming it’s no longer a safe space for her or anyone who shares her views.... and while this might resonate with some, it’s her continuous slandering of Musk that makes you wonder: why the need to focus on someone she supposedly doesn’t care about?

But here's where it starts to spiral... as someone who's seen Belair in protected mode on Twitter for... what feels like years, it was ironic to hear her talk about how much she doesn't use the platform. She’s publicly stated over and over that she’s done with it—yet, for some reason... she still maintains control over her account. Here’s where things get interesting: despite all this, I wasn’t blocked by her. That is, until...

I shared the following video on Twitter:

The video I posted (above) questioned something more subtle about Belair: her choice of naming her cat “greyboy.” It might seem innocent at first glance, but dig a little deeper, and it starts to raise questions. In some circles, “greyboy” is seen as a counter-term used by certain black individuals as a racial slur against white people.

It’s an extremely subtle form of expression being done here, but when you piece it together with Belair’s track record of playing the victim while tearing others down, it reveals a lot more about her character than I initially imagined...

After posting the video, something very... curious happened: she blocked me. And the irony? She’s already in protected mode. That means... I couldn’t see her profile in the first place. So why bother blocking me, Kim? Weird...

It’s clear that my video hit a nerve. Blocking me wasn’t about limiting my access—no... Not at all. She knows that’s futile and doesn't do a damn thing when she’s already in protected mode. This was about her trying desperately to control the situation in any way possible, attempting to silence any further exposure of her behavior.

To feel like she has some... ANY... semblance of power in this battle.

Spoiler: She doesn't.

The fact that Kim went out of her way to block me, despite claiming she’s detached from Twitter, shows - I got to her. It shows that she’s not as detached or unbothered as she wants people to believe. It's all.. extremely telling.

Ironically, Alyssa Mercante, Senior Editor at Kotaku, was one of the loudest voices pushing the agenda of "You can't be racist against white people" on Mar 6, 2024 on her Twitter, especially when she was in full defense mode for Sweet Baby Inc. during her glowing coverage of their practices.

Mercante's article went out of its way to paint Sweet Baby Inc. as this innocent and misunderstood company just trying to "help" the game industry... and it was also published on that very same day - Mar 6, 2024.

When you pair these things together with the new information coming to light about Kim Belair's constantly gives presentations promoting injecting black voices into everything and now learning she named her cat a derogatory term used against white people—it starts to paint a very troubling picture of racism and collusion buried deep within the game industry.

Belair has openly expressed her disdain for straight white men by having countless examples of her wanting to always inject marginalized voices into every piece of story she touches, and now all signs are pointing to the fact that she may indeed be harboring deeply racist sentiments against white people, which adds another layer of irony to Mercante's previous defense being run with that article. Dreadroberts posted some banger info on why Sweet Baby Inc. was founded in the first place, once again pushing the racism against white people angle from Kim herself:

This all coming together now is proof of the lengths Belair has gone to in order to maintain her narrative of being the perpetual victim, while simultaneously ironically, revealing the deeper, more troubling aspects of her character that she desperately tries to hide.

She can dish out insults about Musk and complain about the “unsafe” spaces she supposedly no longer cares about, but when the tables are turned and the spotlight’s on her, she scrambles to regain control. And in doing so, she’s exposed far more than I could have ever imagined.

Kim, I know you’re reading this—blocking me didn’t stop anything - If anything, it only made your attempts at silencing criticism all the more obvious... and your CLEAR racism against white people all the more evident... We all see you for EXACTLY who you are.

Now go back to collecting your 'skulls' - a totally "normal" thing to do...

...and kindly, GTFO of the game industry.


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a day ago

I find it very ironic how she complains about white privilege but she's a ceo of a company probably making over a 100 grand year. She's in a privileged position but yet she's the victim

sapho juiced
sapho juiced
5 hours ago
Replying to

Not only that, but, she's very well off whilst doing nothing productive. All her efforts are corruptive and destructive. She's paid well for having malice and initiative, despite not being particularly skilled or talented -- she happened to be the wrong woman at the right time. That's more privileged than anybody richer than her who actually had to work hard for their wealth.

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