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Kotaku Pushes Their Woke Agenda Worldwide

Writer: Smash JTSmash JT

Updated: May 15, 2024

Kotaku's Soy-Based FAILS Worldwide.

Kotaku Pushes Their Woke Agenda Worldwide
If it walks like a cuck and smells like a cuck...

The dying "gaming" fake journalism site, Kotaku, is back again. They've long been a source of controversy within the gaming community, and somehow still alive and kicking. Whether you're engaging with Kotaku in the United States or its Australian counterpart, Kotaku AU, the similarities in their editorial stances and responses to gaming culture are... striking, to say the least.

A prime example of this alignment is embodied by David Smith, the Managing Editor at Kotaku AU, known on Twitter as @RhunWords... Someone who already proactively blocked me, even though I'd never heard of them before; shocker, I know.

David Smith has recently drawn attention for his reaction to a situation involving a woman who rage-quit a game of Valorant, from Riot Games. The incident began when the player, @TaylorMorganS_, took to Twitter, expressing her frustration and desperation over the toxic behavior she encountered during the game.

In a series of tweets, she called on Riot Games to implement more severe punishments for toxic players, including hardware bans, to prevent them from playing the game ever again.

Here's the video of the incident that she proactively eggs on another player just to paint herself as the victim:

Her tweets included the video above and the following ridiculous statement:

"I have never made a more desperate plea than what I am about to say right now. @riotgames @RiotSupport I need you guys to fucking do something. I am an incredibly strong person and I have been streaming for a very, very long time. But absolutely nothing prepares you for someone saying this to you. The suspensions are not enough. Nothing will ever stop these men from acting this way until hardware bans go into play. They should never be able to play the game again. I know you hear us. I know you see us. If this goes unpunished I am taking this as an active act from you that you do not give a single fuck about any of the women and minorities that play your game, and I will rally to boycott. This is just absolutely not on."

She later posted a screenshot showing the penalty she received for leaving the game, predicting she would be punished more severely than the player who harassed her:

"Watch me catch a suspension for leaving the game and having this guy cop a 72-hour ban."
Kotaku Pushes Their Woke Agenda Worldwide
Maybe you shouldn't rage quit and screw your team over next time?

But here's where the Kotaku white knighting comes in - with David Smith of Kotaku AU amplifying her message by quote-retweeting and adding the insane:

"Ban guys like this for life. I don't give a shit. Hardware ban them and ban them for life. Men have to start speaking up when we hear this shit in-game, or nothing will ever improve. Lead by example."
Kotaku Pushes Their Woke Agenda Worldwide
Pure embarrassment

This reaction is emblematic of the broader issues that many see with modern gaming journalism and the current state of gaming communities. Kotaku, whether in the U.S. or Australia, often sides with the more sensationalist and emotionally charged narratives, focusing on extreme measures and punitive actions rather than promoting the use of existing tools and features designed to handle in-game toxicity, such as the mute function. This is a non-issue being blown way out of proportion, yet again.

The Bigger Picture

The situation with the Valorant player and Kotaku's coverage highlights a significant trend: the prioritization of victim narratives over practical solutions. While the harassment this player experienced is undeniably unacceptable, the call for hardware bans and permanent life bans is a drastic measure that raises numerous ethical and logistical questions. How would such bans be enforced? What would prevent false reports or abuses of this system? And most importantly, how would this impact the broader gaming community?

Rather than advocating for extreme punishments, we should emphasize the obvious tools that have forever been available to players. Features like muting and reporting are designed to give players control over their gaming experience and to address toxic behavior without escalating to draconian measures. Encouraging players to use these tools effectively can help foster a more positive gaming environment without resorting to the heavy-handed approach Kotaku AU and its editors seem to favor.

The case of David Smith and Kotaku AU's reaction to the Valorant incident serves as a clear example of how Kotaku's editorial stance remains consistent across its international branches. Both Kotaku AU and Kotaku America often amplify the voices calling for extreme punitive measures, sidelining practical solutions that empower players to handle toxicity on their own terms.

This approach not only contributes to the ongoing polarization within the gaming community but also undermines the efforts of those who seek to create a more balanced and fair gaming environment. It's time for gaming journalists to lead by example, promoting constructive use of in-game tools and fostering a culture of resilience and self-reliance, rather than perpetuating a cycle of outrage and retribution.

Shout out to @OldeManGrim for the heads up on this story! ~Smash


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