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Leaked Concord Dev Message: '[We're] going through an extremely difficult time'...

Writer: Smash JTSmash JT

Amanda Kiefer, Sr. Concept Artist for Firewalk Studios catastrophe of Concord, wants you to feel bad for them now...

The toxic culture at Firewalk Studios continues to unravel as (another) woke employee, Amanda Kiefer, Senior Concept Artist, had some protected tweets leaked out...

Leaked Concord Dev Message: '[We are] going through an extremely difficult time'...
Amanda Keifer wants your sympathy

Unmasking Amanda Kiefer: A Pattern of Controversy

I previously covered Amanda Kiefer prior to the game coming out, known online as @ImagineAmanda on X (now protected mode)... But here's a quick TLDR on her to catch you up in case you don't want to rehash that entire article: She does not like gamers. While undeniably talented in her craft, Kiefer has developed a reputation for vehemently attacking those who criticize upcoming games, such as the Silent Hill 2 remake, and has even gone so far as to label dissenters as malicious. Her online persona paints a picture of a professional more interested in defending her ideologies than fostering an inclusive and welcoming gaming community.

Before a whistleblower reached out to me with insider information about the disaster internally at Firewalk Studios, Amanda had already preemptively blocked me on Twitter, raising some questions about her transparency (and willingness) to face any accountability (shocker). This suggested a desire to silence critics and try her best to maintain control over the narrative surrounding her and Firewalk. It was a telling sign of the defensive and insular culture that had permeated the studio.

Firewalk is knee-deep in a toxic environment, characterized by extreme political correctness and a left-leaning agenda that stifles diverse viewpoints. Employees like Amanda Kiefer seemed to wield significant influence, promoting a "cult"ure that prioritized ideological conformity over creative freedom. The whole situation was reminiscent of previous reports involving other industry figures, such as Lisa Brown, who allegedly blacklisted employees for not adhering to her preferred titles, further contributing to the hostile workplace atmosphere.

The Art of Virtue Signaling

While Amanda is undoubtedly skilled with some of her art designs outside of the game, their approach to handling any criticism has been anything but that. The focus on including certain 'progressive' elements, such as diverse body types and pronouns in Concord appears less about genuine inclusion and more about virtue signaling. Gamers have been increasingly pushing back against these perceived forced political narratives, arguing that they detract from the core gaming experience... But Sony and Firewalk refused to listen...

Leaked Concord Dev Message: '[We are] going through an extremely difficult time'...
They tried their best...?

Amanda’s Statement and the Fallout

In a leaked message from Amanda, she expresses frustration with the criticism aimed at her and her team, stating that the situation "has taken a severe emotional toll" on them. She acknowledges the impact of executive decisions and hints at the dire financial consequences faced by the art department. Yet... her statement misses the point entirely.

While it's understandable that the closure of a project can be emotionally and financially devastating for those involved, gamers are under no obligation to feel sympathy for developers when their products fail to meet expectations. Comparing this situation to receiving a poorly made burger at a restaurant and being expected to sympathize with the cook for "trying their best," the community sees this as a deflection from the real issue: the game's failure to resonate with its audience.

Leaked Concord Dev Message: '[We are] going through an extremely difficult time'...
Leaked tweets from behind a protected X account
I was going to DM you after seeing this, but this site makes me pay to do that, so at the risk of getting dogpiled, I'm just going to say this here; a lot affected the art side of concord including design by committee, failure of some leadership to listen to the art team, etc
the character concept art team including myself is going through an extremely difficult time emotionally, and some on the team no longer want to work in games, design characters, or even do art anymore after this. Because of this, posts like yours, though understandable, are-
unfortunately ill-timed. None of us know which way the wind will blow with the studio, we are worried sick and terrified of the future. Not only that, but we have been shouldering the brunt of emotional labor as executives/directors dodge most of the blame.
Behind the scenes of all this talk about concord and character designs, people's livelihoods are at risk and there are very real financial consequences that might hurt us even more.
That's just what I can say from our point of view. I'm not saying change course or anything-us artists like being able to use social media to promote our work and get more jobs. But I am saying we see this, and it does absolutely effect us since we just got our teeth kicked in.

The Real Problem at Firewalk Studios

The issue at Firewalk Studios goes well beyond Amanda Kiefer's online conduct. It's about a culture more concerned with promoting political ideologies than delivering quality games. The studio's insistence on pushing narratives and intolerance for dissenting viewpoints have alienated both gamers and even some industry professionals.

Amanda’s stance exemplifies the broader problems at Firewalk Studios.

Leaked Concord Dev Message: '[We are] going through an extremely difficult time'...
Still employed at Firewalk (for now..)

While she possesses undeniable talent, her approach here and the studio’s culture are out of touch with what many gamers desire: engaging, high-quality content without divisive political undertones. The gaming community has spoken, and it's clear that Firewalk Studios needs to recalibrate its approach if it hopes to regain credibility... If they can last long enough to even try.

A Call for Change

It’s time for Firewalk Studios to listen to its audience and make necessary changes - assuming they can last. Gamers want to enjoy their hobbies without being subjected to political messaging. As Concord flops and the studio faces increased scrutiny, one thing is clear: the time for action has already passed, and Firewalk Studios must confront its toxic culture before it's too late. You know - That whole "Be accountable" thing that seems like such a foreign concept to some folks...

Amanda Kiefer’s leaked tweets here behind her protected account is just the latest chapter in this ongoing saga. It serves as a good reminder that the gaming community is no longer willing to tolerate an industry that places agendas over enjoyment... and that - is a great thing.



Kimberly B.
Kimberly B.
Sep 11, 2024

Is there some sort of Leftist-nutjob dress code manual they pass around at get-togethers or something? I swear these guys all have the EXACT same look.


Sep 09, 2024

My advice to Miss.Keifer would be to stop being such a Stubborn prat and do your job properly in your company like a good/ fair boss. Don't be pushing that Ideology: DEI Bullcrap onto your workers cause such brainwashing programs don't work worth a Shit. It just destroys businesses by turning workers into mindless automotons, which means they have NO Individuality = Can't think for themselves = No Creativity at all

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