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Writer's pictureSmash JT

Sweet Baby Inc. Goes Into LOCKDOWN...

Sweet Baby Inc. has updated their website... and it's even more garbage than it was previously... They're trying to hide EVERYTHING!

Sweet Baby Inc. has completely redesigned their website, scrubbing away a significant amounts of info that used to detail their partnerships and projects. Gone are the pages that linked their name to specific games and developers—now replaced with a bare-bones overview of what they claim to do for the gaming industry.

If this isn’t an attempt to dodge the growing backlash against their work... then I don’t know what is.

As someone with millions of Chrome tabs open typically, I stumbled upon this discovery when I revisited an old tab. The page dedicated to their past projects threw a 404 error, which led me to refreshing it again and again a few times—no luck. Curious, I then decided to navigate to their homepage, only to find it unrecognizable from what it used to be. It was stripped down to barebones - devoid of the detailed information that used to be a hallmark of their site. Originally, the top scroll bar included "Projects", "Approach", "Outreach", "Newsletter", "Contact", and "Francais":

All mentions of partner companies and the games they were connected to? Gone. Only a vague description of their "services" remained.

What could have prompted such a drastic change? If a company was genuinely proud of their work and stood by their impact on the gaming industry, why limit the visibility of that work? You'd expect MORE transparency, not less.

For example - they used to show all the company's that hired them...

and now?


After all, Kim Belair, Sweet Baby Inc.’s co-founder, often claims in interviews that any backlash against her company is simply rooted in “hate campaigns” ...But if it were merely hate, wouldn't they want to openly stand behind their projects and showcase the positive impact they claim to have? Be MORE Transparent?

The truth is simple: they know the reality of their work is far from what they want the public to believe.

Sweet Baby Inc. has made a name for itself by injecting DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) elements into games, often unnecessarily, stirring up problems that didn't exist to begin with—only to get paid to "fix" the very issues they created in the first place. It's a lucrative business model, but built on very shaky foundations. By now limiting the visibility of their past collaborations and projects, they’re hoping to shield themselves from the growing criticism of their role in undermining the gaming industry with hollow, forced changes. But here’s the thing—hiding only intensifies scrutiny.

It's not going to work.

Their attempt to sweep things under the rug is shady af, plain and simple. The more they try to distance themselves from the backlash, the more the spotlight will find them. The website redesign only underscores again that they’re feeling the pressure and trying to control the narrative, but that won’t stop the truth from coming out. Instead of open transparency, which would allow them to defend their work against what they always try and label as baseless criticism, Sweet Baby Inc. is going in the opposite direction, opting to shield themselves from the very industry they claim to want to improve.

Gamers are not easily fooled. Sweet Baby Inc. may think that by scrubbing away traces of their involvement in certain projects, they can evade the conversation. But in reality, they've just invited a whole new level of scrutiny. What are they hiding? And if they’re so proud of their work, why not put it on display?

These are questions that demand answers.

The "Learn More" button and "Contact Us Here" button both redirect to the same exact 'contact us' page. It made me look into who even put the site together and turns out...

Oh... and their website is designed by Studio Lutalica...

These are the same folks that left Twitter for the following reason... and I quote:

Condemning the use of the term ‘cisgender’ is Musk's way of dismissing the experiences of trans and gender-diverse individuals, implying that being cis is superior and natural.

These folks aren't helping the game industry. They are perpetuating a straight-up cult. Of course they'd be hired and paid by Sweet Baby Inc. to design their site. It's one big club, making money behind the scenes pushing gender conformity as a business model... And its gross.

The truth is simple—Sweet Baby Inc is known their DEI injection strategy - one that has thankfully been increasingly seen as BS - and because of that - they’re doing everything they can to hide it. The gaming industry deserves better than this, and the more they try to conceal, the more glaring their role in its problems becomes.

The more people that shine a light on SBI, the better.


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