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They HALTED My GoFundMe...

Alyssa Mercante’s Defenders Won’t Stop Until They Get What They Want: The Pure Evil Activism Behind the Curtain

In the realm of video game journalism and its increasingly contentious landscape, Alyssa Mercante’s defenders have proven themselves relentless in their quest for control. This isn’t just about protecting their 'friend' —it's about power and censorship at ANY cost. The latest chapter in this seemingly never-ending saga shows the true extent of the tactics being employed, and it’s nothing short of pure evil activism.

The latest incidents reveals the depths to which these defenders are willing to go. After initiating a GoFundMe campaign to cover legal expenses and push back against harassment, I soon found myself on the receiving end of a targeted campaign to shut it down. These individuals—unwilling to allow my side of the story to be heard—resorted to one of the oldest forms of censorship in their playbook that they learned from friend of Alyssa, Nick Calandra: "go after their funding sources"

A Coordinated Campaign of Suppression

Let’s be clear, this isn't an isolated or accidental occurrence. The phrase “go after their funding sources” rings all too familiar, having become a notorious battle cry among certain activists when attempting to dismantle their critics. Their aim here isn't to engage in any debate or discuss differing opinions; it’s to destroy the ability of their opponent to even exist in the discourse.

And they've succeeded here... at least temporarily. After numerous reports, GoFundMe suspended my account for alleged “use of a direct name” and “defamatory language.” The irony, of course, is that this is the exact behavior these defenders profess to oppose—silencing, intimidation, and outright bullying. Weird how that road only goes one way...

But what matters to these activists isn’t whether their actions align with their so-called values. It’s about power, control, and enforcing a narrative where only their side gets to speak.

The Hypocrisy of Supposed Justice

When Alyssa Mercante’s defenders scream about “harassment” and “unfair treatment,” one could potentially be tempted to think they’re genuinely interested in justice or fair play - assuming they know nothing of her and her 'ilk'. But in reality, they utilize these tactics only to protect their own interests. The actions taken against my GoFundMe campaign speak volumes. These people aren’t concerned with right and wrong; they’re concerned with ensuring their critics are eradicated.

GoFundMe’s decision to suspend my campaign based on a barrage of reports from the same group of individuals reveals the susceptibility of these platforms to manipulation. The activism going on here is not about grassroots change or societal improvement—it’s about removing opposing voices from public forums.

A Shift Toward Totalitarian Suppression

I'm not well-versed in the area of crowdfunding for myself, and GoFundMe may not have been the wisest choice initially. If this were to ever come up again, I would seek alternative funding on platforms like GiveSendGo. It's clear that the very same individuals who shut down the initial GoFundMe campaign will be then seeking ways to cut off that alternate avenue. Their drive is relentless: They will stop at nothing to ruin you.

The call for direct donations, while more difficult to manipulate, also comes with drawbacks—it lacks the visibility that platforms like GoFundMe provide. Full transparency has always been a key of my approach with all this BS, but the evil force I’m contending with here has made that more difficult than ever before. They want nothing less than total annihilation of my ability to speak, fund, and defend myself publicly.

The Danger of Relentless Activists

These activists are not interested in discourse, reconciliation, or progress—they want full compliance. They're determined to silence anyone who opposes them, using whatever tools are at their disposal, be it deplatforming, targeting funding, or social ostracization. In their minds, they’re justified in their actions, convinced of their righteousness as they trample over literally anyone who stands in their way.

This is the pure evil behind Alyssa Mercante's defenders. They refuse to stop until their opponent is entirely incapacitated—until they have complete control of the narrative. They use terms like “justice” and “equity,” but they practice something far different: silencing dissent, stamping out criticism, and leaving scorched earth in their wake. This isn’t about my GoFundMe. This is about a larger movement that uses bullying and censorship as weapons to enforce compliance.

They’ve shown time and time again that if they can’t win the debate on merit, they’ll resort to destroying their opponent’s means of fighting back. We’re not simply facing activists here. We’re facing totalitarians—individuals who demand complete control and will stop at nothing to get it. The truth is, no amount of compromise or middle ground will suffice for these people. They are driven by a belief that their ideology should be unquestionable, and any dissent is to be crushed without hesitation... and this is something I'm constantly relearning as I go here.

A Call for Awareness

The recent actions against my GoFundMe aren't surprising, but they are telling. Hell - I even mentioned the initial attempts to have it shut down in my victory video. These people serve as a stark reminder of what we’re dealing with: a group that stops at nothing to destroy anyone who challenges their narrative. They will “go after their funding sources,” they will manipulate platforms into silencing dissenting voices, and they will continue pushing until there’s no opposition left standing!

For those who are considering speaking out, know this: their tactics are dirty, their methods are deceitful, and they WILL target you with everything they have. But we cannot allow them to silence us. The more they reveal their methods and the true extent of their totalitarian drive, the more we must stand firm, shining a light on their hypocrisy and their unyielding push for unchecked power.

Direct donations, alternative platforms, and speaking openly despite their intimidation—these are the tools we need to use to continue standing against the coordinated, relentless, and purely evil activism that is determined to silence all who disagree.

As always and again, THANK YOU for your unwavering support in this ongoing battle. We keep winning the fights, but this war... never ends.


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