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Ubisoft Lawyers RESPOND, McDizzle Gaming Goes Into Full Damage Control

Writer's picture: Smash JTSmash JT

The recent Smash JT Ubisoft legal saga has received an official response from Ubisoft’s legal team. It's shed some important light on their overall stance regarding McDizzle stealing one of their employees identities. I have received direct confirmation back from Ubisoft that they have indeed reached out to McDizzle Gaming, and while they didn't elaborate too much on the specifics, McDizzle himself has also now acknowledged it in a tweet. But first, let’s go over the latest email from Ubisoft's lawyers to me, in full:

Thank you for your prompt response and for taking the necessary steps to edit the video out of respect for our employee’s privacy. We appreciate your willingness to act in good faith on this matter.
Regarding the broader issue, we want to clarify that we have also reached out to McDizzle Gaming regarding their actions. That said, it remains important to be cautious when featuring information that could contribute to impersonation or reveal employee identities, even inadvertently. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring that such situations are avoided in the future.
Thanks again for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
[REDACTED Ubisoft lawyer]

This response clearly shows to me that all's now well on my end with Ubisoft after I complied with their request to blur the requested portions of my video that initially displayed the stolen employee's name. Their response to me here confirms that they appreciated my good faith efforts, but they also highlighted their outreach to McDizzle Gaming... Which is where this gets interesting...

Taking a look at McDizzle Gaming’s response to this situation, he posted a tweet updating everyone on the situation. He admitted to receiving and complying with a cease and desist, but rather than leaving it at that, he of course proceeded to then shift blame and posture as though he is the mature party in all this... Because of course he would do that:

For those wondering! I removed tweets and videos to comply with a cease and desist! Part of this as well, was to not impersonate an Ubisoft employee for any intent in the future. All complied and I think I can work with that. I take it pretty seriously. I have said my piece to those that matter in the situation. I understand Smash also got a C&D. I hope he takes it seriously as sharing personal information to a large audience is no joke.
To the people who are angry on behalf of their fav YouTuber - don't know what to tell you! I've been reasonable, mature and an adult this whole time, and actually gave Smash some good faith that I did not need to and provided him the name of one of his Bioware "leakers" - which isn't me, If you did see my video, someone else tipped me off that this was happening. Remember, this is a pattern not limited to Smash around bad faith reporting by "anonymous sources". Name/Role and nebulous information shouldn't be enough to assume you are talking to an inside leaker because it "lines up".
Do I have an apology for Smash? No. Why would I apologize to a large YouTuber who has: blasted out my personal information, not a dox, but def threw my name and general location out to his angry Smashers, keeps talking about me, but doesn't have the guts to talk to me, but can't seem to get me off of his mind after almost 2 weeks, as well as blames me for the situations he is in? It's tough to strike a conciliary tone with that, although I have tried. You control the buttons you press. Stop being a victim and blaming me because of your oversights.

McDizzle is very clearly in full-on damage control mode. Despite admitting that he complied with the cease and desist, he still just couldn’t resist lashing out and trying his best to play the victim. His response reeks of insecurities and defensiveness—signs of someone who knows he messed up bad... but refuses to take the full responsibility for anything.

More importantly, McDizzle should be watching his back—not from gamers, but from actual lawyers. Impersonating an Ubisoft employee and inserting himself into situations where he has no authority to do so could land him in serious legal trouble. This is what I was trying to get across to him from day one on this situation. Ubisoft’s acknowledgment of their contact with him only strengthens the possibility that they are going to be keeping an eye on his actions moving forward.

At the end of the day, McDizzle Gaming is left with a broken channel that's lost all credibility, deleted videos and views are gone, subscribers spiraling down the drain, and a reputation of being untrustworthy alongside with it. He overplayed his hand, and in trying to take a moral high ground, ironically ended up sinking his own ship. No one in the industry will take him seriously after this, and the damage to whatever 'brand' he had leading up to this is done.

Perhaps McDizzle should take his own advice from his projections: “Stop being a victim.”



Kimberly B.
Kimberly B.
3 hours ago

Glad things seem to be in the clear on your end, Smash. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters. 👍


a day ago

McDizzle will never admit he screwed up. When my father was alive he used to tell me that : a real man don't put the blame on others, a real man acknowledge his mistakes and accepts the consequences.

For me McDizzle isn't a real man. He put the blame on you while playing the victim. He is the perpetrator of an identity usurpation not you. I hope for him Ubisoft or their employee won't push things further against him. As for you Smash, you came clean again by responding to the C&D and being transparent about it.

Great article again Smash! Keep Smashing!


I know it's a strong word, but I really hate people like that guy.


a day ago

Mcdizzle: I've been an adult this whole time.

Can I get a definition of adult please? LOL

Replying to

The definition is adaptable to circumstances it seems. 😂


a day ago

Glad that the person responsible is actually getting the backlash. Trolls like this are just obstacles in the culture war.

Replying to

Yeah. The industry must be meaningful if they're so eager to "burn it to the ground", as that S.B.I. employee put on display.

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